From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

Friday, February 18, 2011

a quick update...

Dad had a really good day today.  After his plasmapheresis treatment, he had a little lunch, then saw his internal medicine doctor, his oncologist, his neurologist, had PT, and we even took him outside to soak up a little sun (and he wore his hat almost all day long!)

His abdominal ultrasound shows NOTHING ABNORMAL!!!!!!!!!!!!  This means no metastasis to the liver, spleen, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas or stomach!  What an answer to prayer!

After PT, we saw the representative from inpatient rehab and she said that he's tentatively approved by his insurance, and has a green light from PT.  That being the case, after 2 more plasmapheresis treatments, he'll be re-evaluated and if he continues to do as well as he is, will go to inpatient rehab as early as Wednesday.  Our goal in all of that is to be able to get him home with more ability to get around on his own.  If that happens, Dr. Reddy will determine whether or not he feels Dad can withstand chemotherapy.  At that point, we'll decide if visiting nurses or hospice is the best way to go.

God has surely been nothing but good to us...every minute of every day.  Thank you for kneeling before the throne of grace on our behalf.  We couldn't ask for more.


  1. step at a time! So thankful that it hasn't spread and that you have a plan. We will GLADLY continue to hold you all before the throne...

  2. Hallelujah! Hopeful news is such a gift!

  3. God loves us all..Thankful news and bright days ahead...sending you all big hugs!

  4. Smiles and hugs all the way around! thank God for this sprinkling of grace!

  5. "Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful." We praise the Lord with you for that hope-filled news.
