From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another. John 1:16

Thursday, January 27, 2011

no news is ... well ...

Surgery was postponed again today.  First we were waiting for clearance from Dad's cardiac group, which was closed due to the snow.  Then they did a STAT Echocardiogram that took 5 hours to get results from, and then a trauma came in that called for the orthopedic surgeon.  So, after 2 full days of fasting, Dad had a small dinner and will,  hopefully, get a good night's sleep. 

He is, again, an add-on for surgery tomorrow but we're hoping they'll actually schedule him.  It can't hurt to ask, right?

He's frustrated but doesn't want to be.  Please keep praying...


  1. You got 'em. We'll keep praying!

  2. It's hard to wait, I"m sure, especially when he's probably hungry and tired and emotionally exhausted. God has delayed it and we can't see why. I'll be praying...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Daniel chose 'Mr. Blosenski' to pray for during our family prayer time this evening. I think the Lord is especially attentive to the prayers of children.

  5. Praying with angels to surround you and your family...xo
